Video for Realtors, Made Simple.

Done-for-you social media video.
Just hours of your time,
every third month.
One flat price.

Plus, we’ll just have a lot of fucking fun.


\ˈmā-vən\ one who is experienced or knowledgeable : EXPERT


Let me make you an expert with influence.

You’re an expert. A best kept secret. A hidden gem. But it’s time for more. It’s time to show, be, and earn more.

More than an influencer, you need to be seen as a known expert with influence. Or, in other words, a MAVEN.

Coincidentally, that’s my specialty.

Tell me if this sounds familiar

  • You want respect.
  • You want authority.
  • You want more leads and more word of mouth.
  • You know video can do this and more.


  • You haven’t been able to bring yourself to regularly record videos.
  • Or maybe you’ve recorded, only to never let them see the light of day.
  • You can’t pull the trigger.
  • You’ll “never be as good as so and so, so why even try?”

You’re afraid.

  • Afraid of what people will think.
  • Afraid of what they’ll say.
  • Afraid of how you’ll be judged.

I’ve been there. Oh, have I ever been there…

Why Maven?

MAVEN is your secret sauce. Your competition will think you hired an in-house video production team, but the truth is you’re a MAVEN.

The world is noisy. Great video is more than essential, it can be a superpower to gain attention and spread your message – when it’s done right.

Whether you freeze at the thought of getting in front of the camera or you’re a seasoned on-air personality looking to level up your game, MAVEN will transform the online YOU.

And let’s be honest, your online persona is becoming more important by the day.

But I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. First, you’re probably wondering who the hell I am!

Amara Andrew
Jeff Sarris & Amara Andrew - MAVEN

Who is MAVEN?

I’m Amara Andrew, the one with the long hair. Err, the one with the big smile. Um, the one in the MAVEN shir…

Gah, I’m the one in front!

I’m Amara, your resident videographer. In a past life I was an archivist at the University of Illinois at Chicago, an Art History professor at Columbia College, before that a barista at a coffee sh…what am I doing, this isn’t a resume.

After a long journey through the arts, I found my passion in videography and for the last handful of years I’ve been pursuing that passion full time here at MAVEN, working with amazing people just like you!

Who’s that guy lurking behind me? That’s Jeff Sarris, my righthand man, best friend, and other half. While I shoot and work with you, Jeff’s my extra set of hands, setting up the lighting, shooting tasty b-roll, behind the scenes photos, you name it.

He’s also cofounder of the branding agency, SPYR, where he creates the systems that help solo entrepreneurs build 6- & 7-figure businesses. He’s most known for producing the Netflix documentary, MINIMALISM, his work with The Minimalists, and helping people reduce their kidney stone risk at Kidney Stone Diet.

He loves building brands and we love building MAVEN together!

Who does your videos?!

—Your DMs

MAVEN is the done-for-you video production service that showcases your expertise and builds your influence in just a bit of your time, every third month.

If the millions of relevant views weren’t enough, our MAVENs quickly notice that they get countless DMs from their peers asking “who’s your videographer?!”

MAVENs get noticed.

What to Actually Expect

Prepare for lots of smiles…I’m not kidding, you’ve been warned!

Top Banana (Banana Bolt)

Top Banana

All-inclusive. Monthly video content, filmed, edited, and posted for you (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube). One recording session, in your market, every third month.


Up to 3 months of vertical video (Reels/Shorts/TikToks) AND up to 33 minutes of horizontal, long-form YouTube video(s), filmed in-person every third month. (We kinda like the number 3)

Includes long-form and short-form video, filmed in your market.

Done-for-you video content. All we ask is for your smiling face, we handle the rest.

No prep work. No script. We’ve got that covered!

One in-person shoot every third month.

On-site videographer.

No hidden fees, travel included.

Posted for you on all video platforms—YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and LinkedIn. (Yes, LinkedIn is now a major video platform!)

Includes thumbnails, titles, descriptions, and captions…we mean it when we say all-inclusive.

Content strategy planning.

Unlimited revisions.

Premium royalty-free music.

Pause or cancel anytime.

Wanna chat first? DM me!


What is monthly video content?! How many videos will I get?

Great question! “A month’s worth” is definitely a nebulous way to describe a quantity, but that’s because it varies from shoot to shoot!

Generally, you can expect to have enough vertical, short-form video for 2-4 videos per week and a 5-8 minute horizontal, long-form YouTube video per month.

But, of course, that’s just a ballpark. Once we film together, we’ll have a better idea of how much we record on a given day!

Wait, you travel to me?!

Absolutely! We couldn’t call MAVEN simple if we made you do the traveling!

Travel is included??

Absolutely! There are no hidden fees, everything is included for all of our MAVEN Top Bananas (it makes me laugh every time I get to type or say that name 😂).

Do you do listing videos?

Nope! We focus on showcasing you, your expertise, and creating videos with staying power.

Plus, getting to know one another and spend time together is just so much more rewarding!

Thankfully, there are plenty of real estate listing videographers. Sadly we’ve been told time and time again that agents can’t seem to find anyone else that does what we do!

Can I prepay a few months?

If you’re a new Top Banana, we can definitely set you up with a custom purchase link to prepay your first 3 months.

Once you complete the purchase, you’ll secure your spot and your monthly autopay will begin on the same day in your fourth month.

Just note, once you’re a Top Banana we prefer to stick to the monthly autopay just to keep everything as simple as possible for both of us!

Did the price go up since last week?

Sorry you missed out on the lower rate! Since it’s just the two of us and our time is finite, we unfortunately have to raise the Top Banana price with each new sign up to ensure we stay below capacity! (We haven’t found a time expansion machine just yet, but fingers crossed!)

What else should I be asking you?

This is, by far, the most common question we get!

We’ve done our best to remove friction and make the MAVEN experience as simple as possible.

But it’s so simple that I guess it can feel like there has to be a catch. That we must be hiding something from you.

As anyone who knows us can attest, we’re each an open book. We don’t like playing games (other than board games).

This is a budding relationship that we have here and honesty is paramount for it to blossom!

So we have nothing to hide. If you have any questions at all (anything!), ask away!

Influencers are dead, long live the MAVEN

Become a recognized expert, find more opportunities, and make more money.

Once everyone is an influencer, no one is an influencer.

Being an influencer is the promise of making money for being you. Of taking ever more envy-inducing photos and videos. Sharing them. And getting paid to do it.

The promise of the influencer is the ultimate dream: easy money.

But now we’re to the point where our social media timelines are filled with people shilling products, as though they’re being paid to do it, just to look like an influencer.

People rent jets, buy expensive clothes (that they later return), and do everything in their power to pretend.

Striving to be an influencer is a losing endeavor. As the market gets more diluted, the “industry” will continue to decline.

  • But what’s always needed?
  • Who has opportunity handed to them on a silver platter?
  • Who is sought after?


You’re already an expert in your field. Whether it’s real estate, yoga, diet, dating, business, art, programming, the list is endless. But what’s also endless is our need for experts.

But there’s the catch. You’re an expert, sure. But where’s this opportunity? Where are the people banging down your door?

Well, simply, they don’t know you exist.

That’s where we come in. We give you the tools to become a MAVEN, an expert who’s actually known and recognized for your knowledge.

Not someone with a million followers. Not someone who cares about unnecessary vanity metrics. But someone who’s known, by the right people, in the right places.

A MAVEN is the answer to the question, “Do you know anyone who ____?”

Not just for your friends and family. But for the local, regional, or even global community who you need to reach.

We all have seen it when someone seemingly comes out of nowhere.

How they suddenly are the defacto expert in sleep, the carnivore diet, selling $100M businesses, etc.

That’s not by accident. It’s by design.

With over 15 years of combined experience building brands and businesses with staying power, we know a thing or two about crafting that outcome.

Let’s dive in and make you a MAVEN.

Top Banana (Banana Bolt)

Top Banana

All-inclusive. Monthly video content, filmed, edited, and posted for you (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube). One recording session, in your market, every third month.


Up to 3 months of vertical video (Reels/Shorts/TikToks) AND up to 33 minutes of horizontal, long-form YouTube video(s), filmed in-person every third month. (We kinda like the number 3)

Includes long-form and short-form video, filmed in your market.

Done-for-you video content. All we ask is for your smiling face, we handle the rest.

No prep work. No script. We’ve got that covered!

One in-person shoot every third month.

On-site videographer.

No hidden fees, travel included.

Posted for you on all video platforms—YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and LinkedIn. (Yes, LinkedIn is now a major video platform!)

Includes thumbnails, titles, descriptions, and captions…we mean it when we say all-inclusive.

Content strategy planning.

Unlimited revisions.

Premium royalty-free music.

Pause or cancel anytime.

Wanna chat first? DM me!