Category: Thoughts

  • Happy Monday! Here’s something to ponder at the start of your week: do you think we’ll ever find *all* the ancient things? 🧐


    What happens once we’ve found all the ancient things? Can that actually happen? Will we ever run out of ancient things to find?

    Is everything, then, in museums? Is it in the trash? This is just a random thought, but it was just something I was thinking about.

    Especially when thinking about the fact that there are more people on the planet now than there have ever been. So, does this mean that the likelihood of us being able to dig up all the ancient things is higher?

    After all, nothing lasts forever.

  • “Congratulations and I truly hope the absolute best for all of you in the future. Ok, final sign off. Bye!”

    I have just recorded the final video of my first semester of remote teaching.

    I’ve just finished telling my first group of students that I am so incredibly proud of them, that I hope they have so much success in their lives, to turn in any late work, and to stay in touch.

    I am sitting in my soft, caramel brown leather chair, still holding my smile. I’m still staring at the camera and the blinding lights. My smile, though, starts to quiver and my eyes begin to well up with tears.